
Z Nonsensopedii, polskiej encyklopedii humoru

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// ConfirmRevert
// kod UI inspirowany gadżetem RollWithReason
// TODO: not works on middle (scroll) click - maybe this can be considered a feature? :P
// TODO: disable for specific time, not just until session end

var cookieString = "CRDisabled";

var ConfirmRevert = {};

ConfirmRevert.isEnabled = function()
	var cookieIndex = document.cookie.indexOf(cookieString);
	if (cookieIndex == -1)
		return true;
		return document.cookie.charAt(cookieIndex + String(cookieString).length + 1) == "0";

ConfirmRevert.disable = function()
	document.cookie = cookieString + "=1";

ConfirmRevert.enable = function()
	document.cookie = cookieString + "=0";

ConfirmRevert.init = function()
	var lastClickedLink = "";
	mw.loader.using(["oojs-ui-core", "oojs-ui-windows"], function()
		function CRProcessDialog( config ) { this, config );
		OO.inheritClass( CRProcessDialog, OO.ui.ProcessDialog ); = "CRProcessDialog";
		CRProcessDialog.static.size = "medium";
		CRProcessDialog.static.title = "Potwierdź rewert";
		CRProcessDialog.static.actions = 
			{ action: "continue", label: "Zatwierdź", flags: ["progressive", "primary"] },
			{ action: "cancel", label: "Anuluj", flags: "safe" },
		var checkbox = new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget({ value: "enabled" });
		checkbox.$element.on("click", function()
			var selected = !checkbox.isSelected(); //if it will be selected after click event ends
			if (selected)
		CRProcessDialog.prototype.initialize = function ()
			CRProcessDialog.super.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
			this.panel = new OO.ui.PanelLayout
				padded: true,
				expanded: false
			this.content = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout({ label: "Potwierdź, że chcesz przeprowadzić rewert w artykule.", classes: ["CR-padding"] });
			this.checkboxField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout(checkbox, { label: "Nie pytaj ponownie", align: "inline" });
			this.content.addItems([ this.checkboxField ]);
			this.$body.append( this.panel.$element );
		CRProcessDialog.prototype.getActionProcess = function(action)
			var dialog = this;
			if (action == "continue")
				return new OO.ui.Process ( function()
					document.location.href = lastClickedLink;
			else if (action == "cancel")
				return new OO.ui.Process ( function()
		CRProcessDialog.prototype.getSetupProcess = function(data)
			return, data)
					this.content.setLabel("Potwierdź, że chcesz przeprowadzić rewert w artykule " + data.artName + ".");
				}, this);
		var dialog = new CRProcessDialog();
		var CRWindowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager();
		$(".mw-rollback-link a[data-mw='interface']").click(function(event)
			if (ConfirmRevert.isEnabled())
				lastClickedLink = $(this).attr("href");
				// ukradzione z MediaWiki:Gadget-RollWithReason.js
				var n = $(this).attr('href').replace('/wiki/', '').replace('', '');
				n = decodeURIComponent(n.substring(0, n.indexOf("?"))).split("_").join(" ");
				CRWindowManager.openWindow(dialog, { artName: n });
