Słuchacze Radia Maryja
Słuchacze Radia Maryja To bardzo dobrze znana grupa etniczna w polsce. Słuchacze Radia Maryja są bardzo niebezpieczni w grupach, a nawet pojedyncze ich ugryzienie moż spowodować serie bolesnych sastrzyków i uzależnienie się od słuchania Radio Maryja.Właściwie to niewieleludzi przezyło bliskie spodkanie z nimi.Populacja ich oscyluje od około 4.999.999 do ponad15.000.000 (1256 r) i ciągle rośnie
Jak rozpoznać Słuchacza Radia Maryja
- 1.Very agressive especially when u are carrying a camera with you
- 2.In hordes they act like a zombies
- 3.Thye often meet each other near to Czestochowa city
- 4.They like to kneel for a long time
- 5.They listen to Radio Maryja
- 6.Ojciec Dyrektor Tadeusz Rydzyk for them is more important than God Himself
How to act in case of Radio Maryja listener bite
Well, You` re in serious trouble now, You will get addiced to Radio Maryja auditions,You will give all your money to Ojciec Dyrektor Tadeusz Rydzyk.You start to buy Nasz Dziennik and watch TV Trwam , but thats not over yet, You will kneel for 3/4 daytime, You will come to the conclusion that this World is ruled by Jewish-Mason Communists. And thats over and You became one of them. It will take approx 24h. But do not dispare, there is a cure made, it does not always work, but always... , So first at all , just after the bite go to the nearest ammo shop, Then buy a gun and amunition needed, find a suitable place and shoot yourself in head. Unfortunatenly that is the only known way to prevent becoming Radio maryja listener. You have to choose or You shoot yourself or You become one of them.