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Z Nonsensopedii, polskiej encyklopedii humoru

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Linia 1: Linia 1:
{{nagłówek cytatu}}
{{nagłówek cytatu}}

* ''Aah! Much better!''
* ''Aah! Much better!''

* ''Blow it out your ass!''
* ''Blow it out your ass!''
* ''Bombs, bullets, babes, damn I love this job!''
* ''Bombs, bullets, babes, damn I love this job!''

* ''Come Get Some!''
* ''Come Get Some!''
* ''Confucius say... Die!''
* ''Confucius say... Die!''

* ''Damn, I'm looking good.''
* ''Damn, I'm looking good.''
* ''Damn! I'm good.''
* ''Damn! I'm good.''
Linia 19: Linia 11:
* ''Die, you son of a bitch!''
* ''Die, you son of a bitch!''
* ''Don't have time to play with myself.''
* ''Don't have time to play with myself.''

* ''Eat shit and die.''
* ''Eat shit and die.''

* ''Get off my dam.''
* ''Get off my dam.''
* ''Groovy!''
* ''Groovy!''

* ''Hail to the king baby.''
* ''Hail to the king baby.''
* ''Half man, half animal... All dead!''
* ''Half man, half animal... All dead!''

* ''I ain't afraid of no quake.''
* ''I ain't afraid of no quake.''
* ''I got balls of steel!''
* ''I got balls of steel!''
Linia 40: Linia 24:
* ''It's a good day to die.''
* ''It's a good day to die.''
* ''It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta gum.''
* ''It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta gum.''

* ''Let's rock!''
* ''Let's rock!''
* ''Life's like a box of ammo!''
* ''Life's like a box of ammo!''
* ''Looks like cleanup on aisle 4.''
* ''Looks like cleanup on aisle 4.''

* ''Makin' bacon.''
* ''Makin' bacon.''
* ''My gun's bigger than yours.''
* ''My gun's bigger than yours.''

* ''Nobody steals our chicks... and lives!''
* ''Nobody steals our chicks... and lives!''
* ''Now you see me. Now you're dead!''
* ''Now you see me. Now you're dead!''

* ''Rest in pieces.''
* ''Rest in pieces.''
* ''Right in the jewels.''
* ''Right in the jewels.''

* ''Say hallo to my little friend.''
* ''Say hallo to my little friend.''
* ''See you in hell.''
* ''See you in hell.''
* ''Shake it baby!''
* ''Shake it baby!''
* ''Shit Happens...''
* ''Shit Happens...''

* ''Uuh, that's gonna leave a mark.''
* ''Uuh, that's gonna leave a mark.''
* ''Uuh, that's gotta hurt.''
* ''Uuh, that's gotta hurt.''

* ''What are you waiting for? Christmas?''
* ''What are you waiting for? Christmas?''
* ''When it's done.''
* ''When it's done.''

* ''Yabadabado, motherfucker.''
* ''Yabadabado, motherfucker.''
* ''You wanna dance?''
* ''You wanna dance?''
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