Forum:Novy interwiki
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Cześć wszystkim. Jestem biurokratą rosyjskiej ("olbańskiej") Absurdopedii. Wstawiamy na ciebie interwiki, czekając na wzajemny krok przyjaźni od ciebie. W UnMeta nasz interwiki jest "olb". Wszystkie interwiki "ru" - to było przed naszymi. Adres:$1 --Тэйтанка (dyskusja) 17:34, 6 kwi 2019 (CEST)
- Hey! Could you use English instead of Google Translate? Almost all of us speak English without a problem, I think it will be less error-prone than this. If that is a problem please just use Russian, but beware: we are not very good at Russian :P Anyway, I understood most of it, just not the "olban" part. Could you explain that in English? Which interwiki prefix should point where? I think something was lost in the translation. And UnMeta seems to be down today (as always).
- By the way, I remember your nick, did you know you can just log in to your Wikia account here? Just go to the login page and enter your Wikia/Fandom username and password, the account will transferred automatically, we use the StubUserWikiAuth extension for that. Alternatively, I can merge your accounts into one. Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 17:49, 6 kwi 2019 (CEST)