Dyskusja użytkownika:Cal-Boy

Z Nonsensopedii, polskiej encyklopedii humoru

About leaving FANDOM

I am answering for ZelDelet and Mr obornik. No, you cannot stop us from moving to another site, so there's nothing you could do. Or… oh, wait. It’s high time you deleted our wiki from your site. You won’t have to worry about us. Regards, NikoMiku 13:11, cze 7, 2018 (CEST)

None of wiki's staff decided to stay. Thanks for your desire to maintain wiki but we are going to make it archival and inform everyone about our new address. Regards, NikoMiku 19:46, cze 7, 2018 (CEST)
Sure. It's just about disabling editing on the wiki – nothing will be removed. We'll inform about the transfer there and in our social media. Regards, NikoMiku 21:38, cze 7, 2018 (CEST)

Actually, I was told I could stay here as a nightwatchman-mod. Similarly to Uncyclopedia, this project is simply going to be forked into two.

The only thing you could do to keep the project here is allowing us to use MonoBook or something similar so we could still keep our Uncyclopedia version similar to Wikipedia as that's the point of the parody - to be oddly similar to Wikipedia. With the wretched Oasis skin this is impossible and pointless.

Plus, GDPR is a poor excuse for abolishing Monobook. In what way does that really contradict GDPR rules? FANDOM's goal was to force remaining Monobook communities into using Oasis skin that makes ads obnoxious and necessary. Mięsny Kataryniarz (dyskusja) 19:41, cze 7, 2018 (UTC)

User rights

We won't (at least I won't) give up rights. I'll check for vandalisms, validate moving users' accounts (we must make new accounts, so we have to check if someone who poses as editor XYZ is actually editor XYZ himself) and encourage new editors to move to new, official adress. Yours sincerely, Mr obornik Skargi i zażalenia 22:18, cze 7, 2018 (CEST)

A few things

Hi, I used to be an admin here and due to the lack of proper wiki maintenance I decided to clean up a few vandalisms and stuff. There is some work I can't do without admin rights, though, so I would like to ask you a few favours.

  1. There are a few pages to be deleted (empty, unused, etc.): Gimper, Dyskusja Nonsensopedia:IRC, :Plik:Flaga Zaporoże.png, :Plik:Petalies.jpg
The {{Ek}} template is our way of marking pages to be deleted. The category for that, Kategoria:EK is currently broken for some reason (probably overwhelmed after last vandal attack), I'll investigate it later.
  1. Could you shorten the protection for Jan Paweł II? Or maybe change it to half protection, there is no real need for admin-only permanent protection imo.
  2. And please ban User:Karolkalecki10, he got himself a few warning templates in his discussion already. I think his edit history is more than enough of a reason to ban him.

Thanks! Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 22:17, lip 24, 2018 (UTC)

I almost forgot, there are three more pages to delete :) (vandal vote for deletion pages): Nonsensopedia:SDU/2018-07-16/Słownik:Strona główna Nonsensopedia:SDU/2018-07-15/Cytaty:Strona główna Nonsensopedia:SDU/2018-07-15/Kalendarz świąt nietypowych Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 22:22, lip 24, 2018 (UTC)
I left because I was a bit tired of the project and needed some time for other things. I came back because I don't want to see this wiki rot with vandalisms. I respect the other admins' decision to move, but I think this copy also deserves to be maintained. Admin's rights would be really helpful to me :) Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 19:40, lip 25, 2018 (UTC)
P.S. Thanks for removing these pages and stuff! :) Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 19:42, lip 25, 2018 (UTC)


Yes, I agree to these terms. I'll try to do my best :) Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 21:14, lip 26, 2018 (UTC)

Thanks! There's some work to be done, it'll be useful. Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 19:11, lip 27, 2018 (UTC)
We had another vandal attack last night, I had to make a proper filter for that. I "brought" here Grzeeesiek, he was an admin here a while ago (around 2010). I already gave him content-moderator rights, as he is willing to help maintain this wiki. You may consider giving him admin's rights (I'm not always available to ban vandals, like last night). I'm also afraid that bot accounts of banned users could be used to commit further vandalisms, so I banned them just in case, at least for the moment. These accounts (and their respective owners) are: DasBottPolskacafe, Emancja209po, Manekin do testówMr obornik, FwmN22Nmwf22. You may consider revoking their bot status. Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 09:10, lip 28, 2018 (UTC)
I also discovered something weird yesterday – anonymous users were unable to edit this wiki for the last two months. We have always allowed that and turned it off only occasionally during vandal attack. This change was introduced for a longer period of time right after the removal of Monobook skin by the bureaucrat, ZelDelet:
21:10, maj 26, 2018 ZelDelet (dyskusja • edycje • zablokuj) wikifeatures (set extension option: wgDisableAnonymousEditing = true)
I thought you might find it interesting. I already re-enabled anonymous user editing. Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 11:00, lip 28, 2018 (UTC)

Re:Hi Nnvist!

For a few days I have had holidays, so I couldn't be active on Nonsensopedia. After return, when I logged in, I was suprised due to removal of admin rights.

I wasn't informated well enough about this TRE (occasional event, during which the weakest articles are being removed due to solicitude about the Project). I have removed two articles, which, in my opinion, were poor enough to qualify. I haven't knew about such a big scale of this event.

I'd willingly want to continue maintaining Nonsensopedia – with Administrator rights it would be much easier to perform.

Your sincerely. Nnvist Miejsce pogawędek 22:10, lip 27, 2018 (UTC)

Yes, I agree. Nnvist Miejsce pogawędek 09:45, lip 31, 2018 (UTC)

Main pages of non-main namespaces

The Oasis skin has a sidebar with recent activity on the wiki. This sidebar does not appear on the main page (that's great, as it allows for a wider main page), but it DOES appear on other namespaces' main pages, such as Słownik:Strona główna, Poradnik:Strona główna and others. Is there a way to remove the sidebar from these pages? They play the same role for us as the main main page and we would appreciate a few extra pixels of width to keep the tone consistent across all main pages. Oh, and have a look at what I wrote in the section above, I think you might have missed it :) Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 14:18, lip 31, 2018 (UTC)

Re: Admin Right

I understand and agree to mentioned clauses. Grzesiekdasys ryśtyś. 21:18, lip 31, 2018 (UTC)


Hi. First of all, I'd like to apologize for my delayed reply – I'm still on my vacation. During the last months I haven't had a sufficient amount of time to totally care about the Nonsensopedia. Now, with deep regret, I see, that many undesirable activities have been committed. I wish to clarify the situation: Initially, I haven't seen any threat in the creation of a Nonsensopedia's copy on Miraheze. I didn't take it seriously. However, the last wave of vandalisms at Nonsensopedia on FANDOM has shown me, how unthinking was a part of my team. I am very disappointed with the activity of my team's members, that I've deeply i trusted. I haven't thought, that they'll get such scandalous idea to destroy Nonsensopedia's content under the pretext of bent rules ("TRE"). If I were present, I would never agree to do that. I'm glad that they've been punished. Regarding me, I've never said, that I'm going to leave Nonsensopedia on FANDOM. Nonsensopedia is a common welfare of many people. I strongly oppose any tries of destroying it. Every user, who commits any malicious actions, will be punished. In my opinion, the existence of another Nonsensopedia at Miraheze itself isn't something bad. However the worrying thing is a division of the community into „these” and „those”, which has been severely deepened due to the last incident. This situation is difficult. I'm ashamed, that my associates have acted in this way. I can only apologize for lack of supervision. I also promise, that it will never happen again. = °ZelDelet ° = 12:44, sie 3, 2018 (UTC)

Yes I agree = °ZelDelet ° = 02:47, sie 4, 2018 (UTC)

Regarding ZelDelet...

Hi, I don't like messing with other people's matters, but this is more about the future of Nonsensopedia. Me and other users (signed below) strongly discourage you from giving ZelDelet his rights back. He was one of those, who coordinated the move to the different hosting and he is a bureaucrat there. Right after the removal of Monobook skin he disabled anonymous user editing, as evidenced here. It was with the purpose of reducing the popularity of this wiki. We have always allowed anonymous users to edit, even when this wiki was edited much more actively a few years ago. Looking after all that content created by anonymous users is challenging, but we have allowed it, as it is a great way to attract new users. With current levels of activity, banning all anonymous users seems malicious.

We also strongly suspect he approved the mass vandal attack, it was said by a former admin (Polskacafe) on the official Nonsensopedia IRC channel on freenode (##nonsensopedia) on 16th of July, around 18:11 – the log is here. In short: Polskacafe said that ZelDelet has allowed the vandal attack, but they (FANDOM helpers and staff) don't have a proof for it, so ZelDelet should't be banned. It is unfortunately in Polish, but the helpers may be able to verify that :) Also ZelDelet hasn't been very active recently, compared to other admins.

So, he purposedly reduced activity on this wiki by banning anonymous users, knew of and approved the vandal attack, and is currently commited to the other project. We don't think ZelDelet is trustworthy enough to keep directing this wiki.

Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 23:09, sie 3, 2018 (UTC)
Grzesiekdasys ryśtyś. 23:11, sie 3, 2018 (UTC)
Trujnik (dyskusja) 23:11, sie 3, 2018 (UTC)
Trojanin 12:11, sie 5, 2018 (UTC)

About ZelDelet

Hi! :) In my opinion, an accusation addressed by Macwac, Grzeeesiek and Trujnik is an overinterpretation. Anyway, he knew about TRE, which has supposed to be normal, but something bad happened. TRE has turned into vandalism, which wasn't coherent with the plans. Besides that I consider ZelDelet to be trustworthy. Moreover, he has considerable experience at managing this wiki (he has been promoted to bureaucrat not too long after Nonsensopedia has been founded).

Your sincerely Nnvist Miejsce pogawędek 20:38, sie 5, 2018 (UTC)

Not all is gold that glitters

I am a member of the posse, which took over the Nonsensopedia after the disaster and I feel free to lodge my rationale as well. In my opinion, ZelDelet is just a career-oriented guy with fragile morality and lack of interpersonal skills, with only one goal ahead – winning and maintaining an absolute power. Sooner or later, his promotion will result in a wave of resignations of people, who dared to maintain the project in a decent condition after the upheaval and work their socks off to keep it up and running. As I had a big gap in my editing history (I am a devoted wikipedian), I took the strain to read a pretty chunk of discussions when Zel was in power and I reckon, that Zel's leadership was reckless, resulting in a chain of unnecessary flame wars and authoritarianism of the worst sort. Nefarious deeds and conflicting the people involved seem not the best way of managing the project, do they? To make the long story short, we are well and truly convinced, that Zel's leadership will bring the project into demise and disrepute. Trujnik (dyskusja) 20:54, sie 5, 2018 (UTC)


Thanks! I'll try not to break anything :) Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 20:41, sie 6, 2018 (UTC)

I think he'll make a great addition to the team once his ban expires :) I'll keep an eye on him, but I believe he is quite alright. Thank you for the notice. Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 19:02, sie 10, 2018 (UTC)

User Mrobornik

Welcome. I noticed your message to Magwac user about shortening the ban of Mrobornik user. I am writing to you, because of this user's last action, which is reprehensible. On August 20, user Michsar threw in the ages Nonsensopedia Fandom and Miraheze a job that was one big personal attack on me. Michsar, Mrobornik and Repitcafe (banned globally) took part in it. The work on Fandom was deleted by the admin [[1]], but the Miraheze was not erased. That's why I think you should think again about whether Mrobornik should come back on the wiki. If on the same day it corrupts the swearing oath, and at the same time I write a huge personal attack, I do not think that such a person will be a good user. Michsar has already been punished (he lost his powers), but I do not think it's enough punishment. These users additionally boasted about their work on Miraheze. It's your decision whether these users will continue to edit, but because of their actions, I say that this is a good idea. Their behavior is reprehensible as confirmed by other Fandom users in Michsar's discussion. If you want to know more about this whole situation, write to my discussion. Regards Iиferno82 обсуждение 18:10, sie 21, 2018 (UTC)

Bypassing global cincinno

Hello! I am writing to you again about avoiding the global blockade of one of the users. It is about the user WatermelonPL who got a global blockade for vandalism during Tre. At present, a user MelonPL (It does not have its own site so far, so it provides a link to the editing contribution [[2]]) appears on OZ, which is clearly an additional WatermelonPL account. WatermelonPL = MelonPL. In addition, the only edition was the user was to withdraw the edition of my bot from the Mirror, where I removed WatermelonaPL from the list due to vandalism (canceled my bot edition [[3]]. As far as I know, bypassing the global blockade, a ban is also obtained, and here the bypassing is visible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, almost all of the administration is on holidays, so I am asking you to investigate this matter and most likely have banned the additional account used to bypass the ban. If you have additional questions, write to my discussion. Iиferno82 обсуждение 21:08, sie 24, 2018 (UTC)

Re: Hi Magwac!

Hi! We are doing quite well. We've appointed a returning admin, Runab0. We are working hard on creating new content and are preparing for 13th birthday of Nonsensopedia :)

We have not blocked any efforts taken by Zel. After he was given back his admin right, he disappeared for a month. Recently he came back and after I personally encouraged him to edit, he edited for a few days and disappeared again. We tried to cooperate with him, but he was quite reluctant. The problem is, after the fork Zel transferred control of our official email account, IRC channel and social media accounts to the forked wiki. I haven't been able to persuade him to give current admins access to these accounts, which are vital for Nonsensopedia.

Regarding his bureaucrat right – I understand that you have the final word. If he will be promoted, then I will work with him for the good of the wiki, but I personally don't think he will make a good bureaucrat. Maybe the community should decide? On Nonsensopedia we have a long-standing tradition of voting for new admins, like on Wikipedia.

I suggest making a voting in which members of the community, people who really care about Nonsensopedia will decide if they want ZelDelet as their bureaucrat. Ostrzyciel | Dyskusja 09:30, wrz 11, 2018 (UTC)