Dyskusja użytkownika:Hymie le robot

Z Nonsensopedii, polskiej encyklopedii humoru


Hi. Who is the owner of this bot? Please put some contact. Szoferka 12:01, 15 maj 2006 (UTC)

Here is the first mistake. I've reverted and corrected it. Szoferka 12:06, 15 maj 2006 (UTC)
The robot (interwiki.py from the pywikipediabot package on sourceforge.net) is intended to check and add interwiki language links. For instance, if pl:Nonsensopedia:Kanciapa were linked to fr:Desencyclopedie:Communauté and fr:Desencyclopedie:Communauté linked to en:Forum:Village_Dump, the link from Kanciapa to Village_Dump should be created automatically if the robot is run on that page. The error occurs if Pl:pagename is used as a link destination on a page which is already within pl: (so that what looks like an interwiki-language link is in fact not a valid link to another language). Not sure why that page has pl: in what is an internal link? --carlb 14:50, 15 maj 2006 (UTC)