
Z Nonsensopedii, polskiej encyklopedii humoru
Lider zespołu. Uwagę zwraca niedogolona broda, na ktorą Kai wyrywa lachony.

To pijak i złodziej, bo każdy pijak to złodziej

Twoja sąsiadka o Ozzy'im

"Motörhead is nothing if not democratic, but I don't think it's fair to be waving your dick around when people are minding their own business and might not want to see it."

"People don't read any more. It's a sad state of affairs. Reading's the only thing that allows you to use your imagination. When you watch films it's someone else's vision, isn't it?"

"We want to be the band that if we moved in next door to you, your lawn would die"

"I hate people who are stupid by design, u kno *big fake deep voice* laughs you know? and people who try to prove there manhood by fighting, and trying to show they have big muscles and shit im not into that i know im a guy ive got 2 kids and a dick. im interested in people meaning what they do and doing what they mean"

"have any one of bought the new motorhead album.............you liers you downloaded it hahaha"

"shut up im talking, how do u expect hear if your shouting

"if peopel would f*ck more there would be no more wars, becaus f*cking is a hell of a lot more fun than killing peopel"

Concerning whiskey-coke: "Two fingers of Coke..... just for the color"
