
Z Nonsensopedii, polskiej encyklopedii humoru
To jest najnowsza wersja artykułu edytowana „02:07, 13 paź 2020” przez „Ostrzyciel (dyskusja • edycje)”.
(różn.) ← przejdź do poprzedniej wersji • przejdź do aktualnej wersji (różn.) • przejdź do następnej wersji → (różn.)

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  • Firefox / Safari: Przytrzymaj Shift podczas klikania Odśwież bieżącą stronę, lub naciśnij klawisze Ctrl+F5 lub Ctrl+R (⌘-R na komputerze Mac)
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//This script does not function without additional "helper" modules!
//Please see [[Wikipedia:AutoEd]] for details on use.
//Initiates AutoEd
window.autoEdExecute = function() {
 if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return;
 //alert/return if autoEdFunctions is not defined
 if( typeof( autoEdFunctions ) == 'undefined' ) {
  alert('AutoEd/core.js: autoEdFunctions is undefined');
//Adds Tag to edit summary textbox
window.autoEdEditSummary = function() {
 var txt = document.forms.editform.wpSummary;
 if( typeof( autoEdTag ) == 'undefined' ) {
  var tag = "Poprawki same się robią…";
 } else {
  var tag = autoEdTag;
 // Is the tag blank?
 if( tag.match(/[^\s]/) ) {
  // Has it already been tagged?
  if( txt.value.indexOf(tag) == -1 ) {
   // Append a pipe if necessary
   if( txt.value.match(/[^\*\/\s][^\/\s]?\s*$/) ) {
    txt.value += " | ";
   // Append our tag
   txt.value += tag;
 // Check 'This is a minor edit'
 if( typeof( autoEdMinor ) == 'undefined' || autoEdMinor ) {
  document.forms.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true;
 // Click 'Show changes'
 if( typeof( autoEdClick ) == 'undefined' || autoEdClick ) {;
//Allows URI to be properly decoded for AutoEd in View Mode
window.autoEdQueryString = function(p) {
 var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
 var matches;
 if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
  try {
   return decodeURI(matches[1]);
  } catch (e) {
 return null;

/* autoEdUnicodify()
 * converts HTML entities to WikiText
window.autoEdUnicodify = function(str) { //MAIN FUNCTION describes list of fixes

 // Task 1: Replace named html entities with unicode

 // Most common replacements
 str = str.replace(/&mdash;/gi, '—');
 str = str.replace(/&ndash;/gi, '–');
 // Case insensitive symbols
 if([a-z][a-z]+[0-9]*;/i) >= 0) {
  //XML and HTML Symbols
  str = str.replace(/&hellip;/gi, '…');
  str = str.replace(/&plus;/gi, '+');
  str = str.replace(/&plusmn;/gi, '±');
  str = str.replace(/&minus;/gi, '−');
  str = str.replace(/&times;/gi, '×');
  str = str.replace(/&divide;/gi, '÷');
  str = str.replace(/&ne;/gi, '≠');
  str = str.replace(/&asymp;/gi, '≈');
  str = str.replace(/&le;/gi, '≤');
  str = str.replace(/&ge;/gi, '≥');
  str = str.replace(/&quot;/gi, '"'); // "
  str = str.replace(/&apos;/gi, "'"); // '
  str = str.replace(/&iexcl;/gi, '¡');
  str = str.replace(/&cent;/gi, '¢');
  str = str.replace(/&pound;/gi, '£');
  str = str.replace(/&curren;/gi, '¤');
  str = str.replace(/&yen;/gi, '¥');
  str = str.replace(/&brvbar;/gi, '¦');
  str = str.replace(/&sect;/gi, '§');
  str = str.replace(/&uml;/gi, '¨');
  str = str.replace(/&copy;/gi, '©');
  str = str.replace(/&ordf;/gi, 'ª');
  str = str.replace(/&laquo;/gi, '«');
  str = str.replace(/&not;/gi, '¬');
  str = str.replace(/&reg;/gi, '®');
  str = str.replace(/&macr;/gi, '¯');
  str = str.replace(/&deg;/gi, '°');
  str = str.replace(/&sup2;/gi, '²');
  str = str.replace(/&sup3;/gi, '³');
  str = str.replace(/&acute;/gi, '´');
  str = str.replace(/&micro;/gi, 'µ');
  str = str.replace(/&para;/gi, '¶');
  str = str.replace(/&middot;/gi, '·');
  str = str.replace(/&cedil;/gi, '¸');
  str = str.replace(/&sup1;/gi, '¹');
  str = str.replace(/&ordm;/gi, 'º');
  str = str.replace(/&raquo;/gi, '»');
  str = str.replace(/&frac14;/gi, '¼');
  str = str.replace(/&frac12;/gi, '½');
  str = str.replace(/&frac34;/gi, '¾');
  str = str.replace(/&iquest;/gi, '¿');
  str = str.replace(/&circ;/gi, 'ˆ');
  str = str.replace(/&tilde;/gi, '˜');
  str = str.replace(/&lsquo;/gi, '‘');
  str = str.replace(/&rsquo;/gi, '’');
  str = str.replace(/&sbquo;/gi, '‚');
  str = str.replace(/&ldquo;/gi, '“');
  str = str.replace(/&rdquo;/gi, '”');
  str = str.replace(/&bdquo;/gi, '„');
  str = str.replace(/&bull;/gi, '•');
  str = str.replace(/&permil;/gi, '‰');
  str = str.replace(/&lsaquo;/gi, '‹');
  str = str.replace(/&rsaquo;/gi, '›');
  str = str.replace(/&oline;/gi, '‾');
  str = str.replace(/&frasl;/gi, '⁄');
  str = str.replace(/&euro;/gi, '€');
  str = str.replace(/&image;/gi, 'ℑ');
  str = str.replace(/&weierp;/gi, '℘');
  str = str.replace(/&real;/gi, 'ℜ');
  str = str.replace(/&trade;/gi, '™');
  str = str.replace(/&alefsym;/gi, 'ℵ');
  str = str.replace(/&crarr;/gi, '↵');
  str = str.replace(/&forall;/gi, '∀');
  str = str.replace(/&part;/gi, '∂');
  str = str.replace(/&exist;/gi, '∃');
  str = str.replace(/&empty;/gi, '∅');
  str = str.replace(/&nabla;/gi, '∇');
  str = str.replace(/&isin;/gi, '∈');
  str = str.replace(/&notin;/gi, '∉');
  str = str.replace(/&ni;/gi, '∋');
  str = str.replace(/&prod;/gi, '∏');
  str = str.replace(/&sum;/gi, '∑');
  str = str.replace(/&lowast;/gi, '∗');
  str = str.replace(/&radic;/gi, '√');
  str = str.replace(/&prop;/gi, '∝');
  str = str.replace(/&infin;/gi, '∞');
  str = str.replace(/&ang;/gi, '∠');
  str = str.replace(/&and;/gi, '∧');
  str = str.replace(/&or;/gi, '∨');
  str = str.replace(/&cap;/gi, '∩');
  str = str.replace(/&cup;/gi, '∪');
  str = str.replace(/&int;/gi, '∫');
  str = str.replace(/&there4;/gi, '∴');
  str = str.replace(/&sim;/gi, '∼');
  str = str.replace(/&cong;/gi, '≅');
  str = str.replace(/&sub;/gi, '⊂');
  str = str.replace(/&sup;/gi, '⊃');
  str = str.replace(/&nsub;/gi, '⊄');
  str = str.replace(/&sube;/gi, '⊆');
  str = str.replace(/&supe;/gi, '⊇');
  str = str.replace(/&oplus;/gi, '⊕');
  str = str.replace(/&otimes;/gi, '⊗');
  str = str.replace(/&perp;/gi, '⊥');
  str = str.replace(/&sdot;/gi, '⋅');
  str = str.replace(/&lceil;/gi, '⌈');
  str = str.replace(/&rceil;/gi, '⌉');
  str = str.replace(/&lfloor;/gi, '⌊');
  str = str.replace(/&rfloor;/gi, '⌋');
  str = str.replace(/&lang;/gi, '〈');
  str = str.replace(/&rang;/gi, '〉');
  str = str.replace(/&loz;/gi, '◊');
  str = str.replace(/&spades;/gi, '♠');
  str = str.replace(/&clubs;/gi, '♣');
  str = str.replace(/&hearts;/gi, '♥');
  str = str.replace(/&diams;/gi, '♦');

// Uppercase symbols
 if([A-Z][a-z]+;/) >= 0) {
  //Greek symbols
  str = str.replace(/&Alpha;/g, 'Α');
  str = str.replace(/&Beta;/g, 'Β');
  str = str.replace(/&Gamma;/g, 'Γ');
  str = str.replace(/&Delta;/g, 'Δ');
  str = str.replace(/&Epsilon;/g, 'Ε');
  str = str.replace(/&Zeta;/g, 'Ζ');
  str = str.replace(/&Eta;/g, 'Η');
  str = str.replace(/&Theta;/g, 'Θ');
  str = str.replace(/&Iota;/g, 'Ι');
  str = str.replace(/&Kappa;/g, 'Κ');
  str = str.replace(/&Lambda;/g, 'Λ');
  str = str.replace(/&Mu;/g, 'Μ');
  str = str.replace(/&Nu;/g, 'Ν');
  str = str.replace(/&Xi;/g, 'Ξ');
  str = str.replace(/&Omicron;/g, 'Ο');
  str = str.replace(/&Pi;/g, 'Π');
  str = str.replace(/&Rho;/g, 'Ρ');
  str = str.replace(/&Sigma;/g, 'Σ');
  str = str.replace(/&Tau;/g, 'Τ');
  str = str.replace(/&Upsilon;/g, 'Υ');
  str = str.replace(/&Phi;/g, 'Φ');
  str = str.replace(/&Chi;/g, 'Χ');
  str = str.replace(/&Psi;/g, 'Ψ');
  str = str.replace(/&Omega;/g, 'Ω');
  //Latin symbols
  str = str.replace(/&Agrave;/g, 'À');
  str = str.replace(/&Aacute;/g, 'Á');
  str = str.replace(/&Acirc;/g, 'Â');
  str = str.replace(/&Atilde;/g, 'Ã');
  str = str.replace(/&Auml;/g, 'Ä');
  str = str.replace(/&Aring;/g, 'Å');
  str = str.replace(/&AElig;/g, 'Æ');
  str = str.replace(/&Ccedil;/g, 'Ç');
  str = str.replace(/&Egrave;/g, 'È');
  str = str.replace(/&Eacute;/g, 'É');
  str = str.replace(/&Ecirc;/g, 'Ê');
  str = str.replace(/&Euml;/g, 'Ë');
  str = str.replace(/&Igrave;/g, 'Ì');
  str = str.replace(/&Iacute;/g, 'Í');
  str = str.replace(/&Icirc;/g, 'Î');
  str = str.replace(/&Iuml;/g, 'Ï');
  str = str.replace(/&Ntilde;/g, 'Ñ');
  str = str.replace(/&Ograve;/g, 'Ò');
  str = str.replace(/&Oacute;/g, 'Ó');
  str = str.replace(/&Ocirc;/g, 'Ô');
  str = str.replace(/&Otilde;/g, 'Õ');
  str = str.replace(/&Ouml;/g, 'Ö');
  str = str.replace(/&Oslash;/g, 'Ø');
  str = str.replace(/&Ugrave;/g, 'Ù');
  str = str.replace(/&Uacute;/g, 'Ú');
  str = str.replace(/&Ucirc;/g, 'Û');
  str = str.replace(/&Uuml;/g, 'Ü');
  str = str.replace(/&Yacute;/g, 'Ý');
  str = str.replace(/&Scaron;/g, 'Š');
  str = str.replace(/&Yuml;/g, 'Ÿ');
  //XML and HTML Symbols
  str = str.replace(/&Dagger;/g, '‡');
  str = str.replace(/&Prime;/g, '″');

// lowercase symbols
 if([a-z][a-z]+;/) >= 0) {
  //Greek symbols
  str = str.replace(/&alpha;/g, 'α');
  str = str.replace(/&beta;/g, 'β');
  str = str.replace(/&gamma;/g, 'γ');
  str = str.replace(/&delta;/g, 'δ');
  str = str.replace(/&epsilon;/g, 'ε');
  str = str.replace(/&zeta;/g, 'ζ');
  str = str.replace(/&eta;/g, 'η');
  str = str.replace(/&theta;/g, 'θ');
  str = str.replace(/&iota;/g, 'ι');
  str = str.replace(/&kappa;/g, 'κ');
  str = str.replace(/&lambda;/g, 'λ');
  str = str.replace(/&mu;/g, 'μ');
  str = str.replace(/&nu;/g, 'ν');
  str = str.replace(/&xi;/g, 'ξ');
  str = str.replace(/&omicron;/g, 'ο');
  str = str.replace(/&pi;/g, 'π');
  str = str.replace(/&rho;/g, 'ρ');
  str = str.replace(/&sigmaf;/g, 'ς');
  str = str.replace(/&sigma;/g, 'σ');
  str = str.replace(/&tau;/g, 'τ');
  str = str.replace(/&upsilon;/g, 'υ');
  str = str.replace(/&phi;/g, 'φ');
  str = str.replace(/&chi;/g, 'χ');
  str = str.replace(/&psi;/g, 'ψ');
  str = str.replace(/&omega;/g, 'ω');
  str = str.replace(/&thetasym;/g, 'ϑ');
  str = str.replace(/&upsih;/g, 'ϒ');
  str = str.replace(/&piv;/g, 'ϖ');
  //Latin symbols
  str = str.replace(/&szlig;/g, 'ß');
  str = str.replace(/&agrave;/g, 'à');
  str = str.replace(/&aacute;/g, 'á');
  str = str.replace(/&acirc;/g, 'â');
  str = str.replace(/&atilde;/g, 'ã');
  str = str.replace(/&auml;/g, 'ä');
  str = str.replace(/&aring;/g, 'å');
  str = str.replace(/&aelig;/g, 'æ');
  str = str.replace(/&ccedil;/g, 'ç');
  str = str.replace(/&egrave;/g, 'è');
  str = str.replace(/&eacute;/g, 'é');
  str = str.replace(/&ecirc;/g, 'ê');
  str = str.replace(/&euml;/g, 'ë');
  str = str.replace(/&igrave;/g, 'ì');
  str = str.replace(/&iacute;/g, 'í');
  str = str.replace(/&icirc;/g, 'î');
  str = str.replace(/&iuml;/g, 'ï');
  str = str.replace(/&eth;/g, 'ð');
  str = str.replace(/&ntilde;/g, 'ñ');
  str = str.replace(/&ograve;/g, 'ò');
  str = str.replace(/&oacute;/g, 'ó');
  str = str.replace(/&ocirc;/g, 'ô');
  str = str.replace(/&otilde;/g, 'õ');
  str = str.replace(/&ouml;/g, 'ö');
  str = str.replace(/&oslash;/g, 'ø');
  str = str.replace(/&ugrave;/g, 'ù');
  str = str.replace(/&uacute;/g, 'ú');
  str = str.replace(/&ucirc;/g, 'û');
  str = str.replace(/&uuml;/g, 'ü');
  str = str.replace(/&yacute;/g, 'ý');
  str = str.replace(/&thorn;/g, 'þ');
  str = str.replace(/&yuml;/g, 'ÿ');
  str = str.replace(/&oelig;/g, 'œ');
  str = str.replace(/&scaron;/g, 'š');
  str = str.replace(/&fnof;/g, 'ƒ');
  //XML and HTML Symbols
  str = str.replace(/&dagger;/g, '†');
  str = str.replace(/&prime;/g, '′');

 // False positives
 // Breaks large amounts of code which discuss programming/scripting.
 // str = str.replace(/&lt;/gi, '<');
 // str = str.replace(/&gt;/gi, '>');
 // Breaks large number of URLs and discussion of programming/scripting.
 // str = str.replace(/&amp;/gi, '&');

 // Arrows
 str = str.replace(/&larr;/g, '←');
 str = str.replace(/&rarr;/g, '→');
 str = str.replace(/&uarr;/g, '↑');
 str = str.replace(/&darr;/g, '↓');
 str = str.replace(/&lArr;/g, '⇐');
 str = str.replace(/&rArr;/g, '⇒');
 str = str.replace(/&uArr;/g, '⇑');
 str = str.replace(/&dArr;/g, '⇓');
 str = str.replace(/&harr;/g, '↔');
 str = str.replace(/&hArr;/g, '⇔');
 str = str.replace(/<==|<--/gi, '←');
 str = str.replace(/==>/gi, '→');

 // Specific case
 str = str.replace(/&ETH;/g, 'Ð');
 str = str.replace(/&THORN;/g, 'Þ');
 str = str.replace(/&OElig;/g, 'Œ');
 // ... => …
 str = str.replace(/\.{3}(?!\.)/g, '…');

 // Task 2: Replace numeric html entities with unicode ( User:CharlotteWebb )

 // Symbols for which there may be a good reason to obfuscate/escape
 var dont_replace = "|!{}[]=<>";

 // START specialreplace function from User:CharlotteWebb
 function specialreplace(ent, base){
  var chr = "";
  var num = parseInt(ent.replace(/[\&\#\;x]/g, ''), base);
  // see [[UTF-16]] for chars outside the BMP
  // try this with Gothic letters at full volume ^_^
  if (num > 0xFFFF) {
   num -= 0x10000;
   chr = String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + (num >> 10), 0xDC00 + (num & 0x3FF));
  } else {
   chr = String.fromCharCode(num);
  if (dont_replace.indexOf(chr) == -1) {
   str = str.replace(ent, chr, "gi");
 // END specialreplace function

 // perform replacement
 if(m = str.match(/\&\#(\d+)\;/g)) {
  for(i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
   specialreplace(m[i], 10);
 if(m = str.match(/\&\#x([\da-f]+)\;/gi)) {
  for(i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
   specialreplace(m[i], 16);

 // Task 3: Unprintable control characters [[Windows-1252]] from User:CharlotteWebb
 var failstr = "<!-- AutoEd: rm unicode ctrl char w/no win-1252 mapping, intent unknown -->";
 str = str.replace(/\u0080/g, '€');
 str = str.replace(/\u0081/g, failstr);
 str = str.replace(/\u0082/g, '‚');
 str = str.replace(/\u0083/g, 'ƒ');
 str = str.replace(/\u0084/g, '„');
 str = str.replace(/\u0085/g, '…');
 str = str.replace(/\u0086/g, '†');
 str = str.replace(/\u0087/g, '‡');
 str = str.replace(/\u0088/g, 'ˆ');
 str = str.replace(/\u0089/g, '‰');
 str = str.replace(/\u008a/g, 'Š');
 str = str.replace(/\u008b/g, '‹');
 str = str.replace(/\u008c/g, 'Œ');
 str = str.replace(/\u008d/g, failstr);
 str = str.replace(/\u008e/g, 'Ž');
 str = str.replace(/\u008f/g, failstr);
 str = str.replace(/\u0090/g, failstr);
 str = str.replace(/\u0091/g, '‘');
 str = str.replace(/\u0092/g, '’');
 str = str.replace(/\u0093/g, '“');
 str = str.replace(/\u0094/g, '”');
 str = str.replace(/\u0095/g, '•');
 str = str.replace(/\u0096/g, '–');
 str = str.replace(/\u0097/g, '—');
 str = str.replace(/\u0098/g, '˜');
 str = str.replace(/\u0099/g, '™');
 str = str.replace(/\u009a/g, 'š');
 str = str.replace(/\u009b/g, '›');
 str = str.replace(/\u009c/g, 'œ');
 str = str.replace(/\u009d/g, failstr);
 str = str.replace(/\u009e/g, 'ž');
 str = str.replace(/\u009f/g, 'Ÿ');

 return str;
/* autoEdISBN()
 * fixes ISBN syntax so that WikiMagic can work
window.autoEdISBN = function(str) { //MAIN FUNCTION describes list of fixes

    //Allows WikiMagic to work with ISBNs
    str = str.replace(/ISBN-10:|ISBN-13:|ISBN-10|ISBN-13|ISBN:/gi, 'ISBN');

    return str;
/* autoEdWhitespace()
 * cleans up whitespace
window.autoEdWhitespace = function(str) { //MAIN FUNCTION describes list of fixes

    str = str.replace(/\t/g, " ");

    str = str.replace(/^ ? ? \n/gm, "\n");
    str = str.replace(/(\n\n)\n+/g, "$1");
    str = str.replace(/== ? ?\n\n==/g, "== \n ==");
    str = str.replace(/\n\n(\* ?\[?http)/g, "\n$1");

    str = str.replace(/^ ? ? \n/gm, "\n");
    str = str.replace(/\n\n\*/g, "\n*");
    str = str.replace(/[ \t][ \t]+/g, " ");
    str = str.replace(/([=\n]\n)\n+/g, "$1");
    str = str.replace(/ \n/g, "\n");

    //* bullet points
    str = str.replace(/^([\*#]+:*) /gm, "$1");
    str = str.replace(/^([\*#]+:*)/gm, "$1 ");

    str = str.replace(/^(={1,4}) ?(.*?) ?(={1,4})$/gm, "$1 $2 $3");
    return str;
/* autoEdWikilinks()
 * simplifies and shortens wikilinks where appropriate
 * Credits: A modification of [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Formatter]]
window.autoEdWikilinks = function(str) { //MAIN FUNCTION describes list of fixes

 //Get the list of all wikilinks with underscores
 var m = str.match(/\[\[[^\[\]]*_[^\[\]]*\]\]/g);
 if (m) {
  //For each wikilink in the list
  for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
   var x = m[i].toString() // Contains the entire wikilink
   // Exclude URLs and leading underscores
   if( !x.match(/^\[\[[\t ]*(?:http|ftp|https):/i) && !x.match(/^\[\[_[^\[\]]*\]\]/) ) {
    var x_arr = x.match(/^(\[\[[^\[\]\|]*)(\|?[^\[\]]*?\]\])$/);
    var a = x_arr[1]; // Everything before the pipe (or everything minus ]])
    var b = x_arr[2]; // Everything after the pipe (or ]])

    // Replace underscores with spaces
    a = a.replace(/_/g, ' ');
    // Do the replacement
    str = str.replace(x, a+b);

 //Fix links which have no target
 str = str.replace(/\[\[[\t ]*\|/gi, '[[');

 //Leading and trailing space before the pipe inside wikilinks
 str=str.replace(/(\[\[)[\t ]+([^\[\]\|]*?)(\|)/g, '$1$2$3');
 str=str.replace(/(\[\[)([^\[\]\|]*?)[\t ]+(\|)/g, '$1$2$3');
 //Leading space after the pipe (or in an unpiped) wikilink
 str=str.replace(/^(\[\[[^\[\]\|]*?\||\[\[)[\t ]+([^\[\]\|\t ][^\[\]\|]*?)(\]\])/g, '$1$2$3');
 str=str.replace(/(\[\[[^\[\]\|]*?\||\[\[)[\t ]+([^\[\]\|\t ][^\[\]\|]*?)(\]\])/g, ' $1$2$3');
 //Trailing space after the pipe (or in an unpiped) wikilink
 str=str.replace(/(\[\[[^\[\]\|]*?\||\[\[)([^\[\]\|\t ][^\[\]\|]*?)[\t ]+(\]\])([^A-Za-z])/gi, '$1$2$3 $4');
 str=str.replace(/(\[\[[^\[\]\|]*?\||\[\[)([^\[\]\|]*?)[\t ]+(\]\])$/gi, '$1$2$3');

 //Get the list of all piped wikilinks
 var m = str.match(/\[\[[^\[]*?\|[^\[]*?\]\]/g);
 if (m) {
  //For each piped wikilink in the list
  for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
   var n_arr = m[i].toString().match(/\[\[[ ]*([^\[]*?)\|[ ]*([^\[]*?)\]\]/);
   var n = n_arr[0]; // Contains the entire piped link
   var a = n_arr[1]; // Contains everything before pipe
   var b = n_arr[2]; // Contains everything after pipe
   var c = b.replace(/[\.,:; ]*$/); // Same as b, but without trailing punctuation
   //Is the display name a leading substring of the wikilink?
   if (b.indexOf(a) == 0 || b.indexOf(autoEd_first2lower(a)) == 0) {
    //Create a simplified replacement string
    var k = n.replace(/\[\[([^\]\|]*?)\|(\1)([\w]*?)\]\]/i, "[[$2]]$3");
    //And do the replacement
    str = str.replace(n, k);
   if (c.indexOf(a) == 0 || c.indexOf(autoEd_first2lower(a)) == 0) {
    // Create a simplified replacement string
    var k = n.replace(/\[\[([^\]\|]*?)\|(\1)([\w\.,:;]*?)\]\]/i, "[[$2]]$3");
    // And do the replacement
    str = str.replace(n, k);

 //Push trailing characters into display string of piped wikilinks
 str = str.replace(/\[\[([^\[\]\|]+)\|([^\[\]\|]+)\]\]([a-z]+)/g, "[[$1|$2$3]]");

 //Removes links to current article
 var p1 = mw.config.get("wgPageName");                  // PAGENAME including underscores
 var p2 = mw.config.get("wgPageName").replace('_',' '); // PAGENAME without underscores
 var p3 = autoEd_first2lower(p1);      // First character lowercase PAGENAME including underscores
 var p4 = autoEd_first2lower(p2);      // First character lowercase PAGENAME without underscores
 // Standard wikilinks
 str = str.replace(new RegExp('\\[\\[(' + p1 + '|' + p2 + '|' + p3 + '|' + p4 + ')\\]\\]', 'g'), '$1');
 // Piped wikilinks
 str = str.replace(new RegExp('\\[\\[(?:' + p1 + '|' + p2 + '|' + p3 + '|' + p4 + ')\\|([^\\]\\|]*)\\]\\]', 'g'), '$1');
 //Popraw linki do plików
 str = str.replace(/\[\[FILE:/gi, '[[Plik:');
 str = str.replace(/\[\[GRAFIKA:/gi, '[[Plik:');
 str = str.replace(/\[\[IMAGE:/gi, '[[Plik:');

 //Replace [[Foo #bar]] -> [[Foo#bar]]
 str = str.replace(/\[\[([^\]]*?)( |_)+#([^\]]*?)\]\]/g, '[[$1#$3]]');

 //Replace [[Foo|]] -> [[Foo| ]]
 str = str.replace(/\|\]\]/g, '| ]]');

 return str;

// Converts the first character in a string to lower case
// Notes: Used by autoEdWikilinks
window.autoEd_first2lower = function(str) {
 if (str != "") {
  var letter = str.substr(0, 1);
  return letter.toLowerCase() + str.substr(1, str.length);
 } else {
  return "";
/* autoEdHTMLtoWikitext()
 * converts HTML to wikitext
window.autoEdHTMLtoWikitext = function(str) {
  // <b>, <strong>, <i>, and <em> tags
  str = str.replace(/<(B|STRONG)[ ]*>((?:[^<>]|<[a-z][^<>]*\/>|<([a-z]+)(?:| [^<>]*)>[^<>]*<\/\3>)*?)<\/\1[ ]*>/gi,  "'''$2'''");
  str = str.replace(/<(I|EM)[ ]*>((?:[^<>]|<[a-z][^<>]*\/>|<([a-z]+)(?:| [^<>]*)>[^<>]*<\/\3>)*?)<\/\1[ ]*>/gi,  "''$2''");
  // <s> => <del>
  str = str.replace(/<\s*(\\|\/)\s*s\s*>/gi, '</del>');
  str = str.replace(/<\s*s\s*>/gi, '<del>');
  // </br>, <\br>, <br\>, <BR />, ...
  str = str.replace(/<[\\\/]+BR[\\\/\s]*>/gim, '<br />');
  str = str.replace(/<[\\\/\s]*BR[\s]*[\\\/]+[\s]*>/gim, '<br />');
  // <.br>, <br.>, <Br>, ...
  str = str.replace(/<[\s\.]*BR[\s\.]*>/gim, '<br>');
  // <br>>, <<br />, <<br >> ...
  str = str.replace(/<[\s]*(<br[\s\/]*>)/gim, '$1');
  str = str.replace(/(<br[\s\/]*>)[\s]*>/gim, '$1');
  // <hr>
  str = str.replace(/([\r\n])[\t ]*<[\\\/\. ]*HR[\\\/\. ]*>/gi, '$1----');
  str = str.replace(/(.)<[\\\/\. ]*HR[\\\/\. ]*>/gi, '$1\n----');
  // Not really an HTML-to-wikitext fix, but close enough
  str = str.replace(/<[\\\/\s]*REFERENCES[\\\/\s]*>/gim, '<references />');
  // Repeated references tag
  str = str.replace(/(<references \/>)[\s]*\1/gim, '$1');
  // Make sure <H1>, ..., <H6> is after a newline
  str = str.replace(/([^\r\n ])[\t ]*(<H[1-6][^<>]*>)/gim, '$1\n$2');
  // Make sure </H1>, ..., </H6> is before a newline
  str = str.replace(/(<\/H[1-6][^<>]*>)[\t ]*([^\r\n ])/gim, '$1\n$2');
  // Remove newlines from inside <H1>, ..., <H6>
  var loopcount = 0;
  while( /<H([1-6])[^<>]*>(?:[^<>]|<\/?[^\/h\r\n][^<>]*>)*?<\/H\1[^<>]*>/gim ) >= 0 && loopcount <= 10 ) {
    str = str.replace(/(<H)([1-6])([^<>]*>(?:[^<>]|<\/?[^\/h\r\n][^<>]*>)*?)[\r\n]((?:[^<>]|<\/?[^\/h\r\n][^<>]*>)*?<\/H)\2([^<>]*>)/gim, '$1$2$3 $4$2$5');
  // Replace <H1>, ..., <H6> with wikified section headings
  str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H1[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H1[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1= $2 =$3');
  str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H2[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H2[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1== $2 ==$3');
  str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H3[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H3[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1=== $2 ===$3');
  str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H4[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H4[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1==== $2 ====$3');
  str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H5[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H5[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1===== $2 =====$3');
  str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H6[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H6[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1====== $2 ======$3');

  return str;
/* autoEdHeadlines()
 * fixes common headline errors and renames some headers
window.autoEdHeadlines = function(str) { //MAIN FUNCTION describes list of fixes

// Remove bold from section headings
var loopcount = 0;
while(^[=]{1,5}[^=\r\n]*'''[^=\r\n]*[=]{1,5}/gim) >= 0 && loopcount <= 10 ) { //'
str = str.replace(/(^[=]{1,5}[^=\r\n]*)'''([^=\r\n]*[=]{1,5})[\t ]*/gim, '$1$2'); //'

// Remove trailing colon from section headings
str = str.replace(/(^[=]{1,5}[^=\r\n]*)[:]([\t ]*[=]{1,5})[\t ]*/gim, '$1$2');

// Correct caps in "See also" section
str = str.replace(/(==[\t ]*)see also([\t ]*==)/gi, "$1 See also $2");

// Change common synonyms for "See also" to "See also", but only if "See also" doesn't exist
if( !str.match(/=[\t ]*See also[\t ]*=/gi) ) {
str = str.replace(/(==[\t ]*)(?:related topics|related articles|internal links|also see)([\t ]*==)/gi, "$1 See also $2");
// Common synonyms for "External links"
str = str.replace(/(==[\t ]*)(?:external links?|outside links?|web ?links?|exterior links?)([\t ]*==)/gi, "$1 External links $2");

// Capitalization and/or plural of "References", "Sources", "Further reading"
str = str.replace(/(==[\t ]*)references([\t ]*==)/gi, "$1 References $2");
str = str.replace(/(==[\t ]*)sources([\t ]*==)/gi, "$1 Sources $2");
str = str.replace(/(==[\t ]*)further readings?([\t ]*==)/gi, "$1 Further reading $2");

return str;
/* autoEdUnicodeControlChars()
 * converts HTML to wikitext
window.autoEdUnicodeControlChars = function(str) { //MAIN FUNCTION describes list of fixes

  //Removes unneeded Unicode control characters
  str = str.replace(new RegExp('\u200E|\uFEFF|\u200B', 'gi'), '');

  return str;
/* autoEdUnicodeHex()
 * converts hex encoded characters to unicode
 * Purpose: Changes hexcharacter codes in wikilinks to actual unicode characters
 * Examples: [[Stra%C3%9Fe|street]] -> [[Straße|street]]
 *           [[AutoEd#History_.281990.29|History]] ->
 *               [[AutoEd#History (1990)|History]]
 * Note: Contributed by CharlotteWeb
 * Comments (CharlotteWeb):
 * To keep things simple we'll ignore all image links. because some people prefer
 * underscores in the file name and the caption can contain god-knows-what.
 * one easy way is to flag them with a character which should never be used,
 * but if it is already present we have a problem, so let's just quit.
window.autoEdUnicodeHex = function(txt) { //MAIN FUNCTION describes list of fixes
 if(txt.match(/\uE000/)) return(txt); // see [[Private Use Area]]
 txt = txt.replace(/(\[\[[\:\s*]*(?:Image|File|Media)\s*\:)/gi, "$1\uE000");
 if(m = txt.match(/\[\[[^\[\]\n\uE000]+\]\]/g)) {
  for(var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
   parts = m[i].split("|");
   link = parts[0];
   a = link.split("#")
   title = a[0];
   section = a[1];
   try {
    link = decodeURIComponent(title.replace(/\%(.[^0-9A-F]|[^0-9A-F].|$)/gi, "%25$1")
     ) + ( section ? ("#" + decodeURIComponent(section
           // change "." to "%" when followed by valid hex
           .replace(/\.([0-9A-F]{2})/gi, "%$1")
           .replace(/\%(.[^0-9A-F]|[^0-9A-F].|$)/gi, "%25$1")
     ) : "" )
    } catch(e) { } // just do no decoding
      parts[0] = link;
      txt = txt.replace(m[i], parts.join("|"));
  return(txt.replace(/\uE000/g, ""));
/* autoEdTemplates()
 * cleans up templates
window.autoEdTemplates = function(str) { //MAIN FUNCTION describes list of fixes

 //Remove unneeded Template: text from transclusions
 str = str.replace(/{{[_ ]*szablon:[_ ]*/gi, '{{');

 //Replace redirects to Reflist with Reflist
 str = str.replace(/{{[_ ]*(?:Reference[_ ]+List|References-Small|Reflink)[_ ]*(\||}})/gi, '{{Reflist$1');
 str = str.replace(/{{[_ ]*(?:Refs|Reference|Ref-list|Listaref|FootnotesSmall)[_ ]*(\||}})/gi, '{{Reflist$1');

 //Replace a long version of Reflist with Reflist
 str = str.replace(/<div[^<>]*[ ]+class=['"]*references-small['"]*[^<>]*>[\r\n]*<references[ ]*\/>[\r\n]*<\/div>/gim, '{{Reflist}}');

 //Replace redirects to about with about
 str = str.replace(/{{[_ ]*(?:Otheruses4|Four[_ ]+other[_ ]+uses|Otherusesabout|This2)[_ ]*(\||}})/gi, '{{about$1');

 return str;
/* autoEdTablestoWikitext()
 * replaces HTML tables with wikitables
window.autoEdTablestoWikitext = function(str) { //MAIN FUNCTION describes list of fixes

  // Remove newlines from inside table specific tags
  var loopcount = 0;
  while(<\/?table|<\/?tr|<\/?td|<\/?th)[^<>]*[\r\n]/gi) >= 0 && loopcount <= 10 ) {
    str.replace(/((?:<\/?table|<\/?tr|<\/?td|<\/?th)[^<>]*)[\r\n]/gi, '$1 ')
  // Remove extra whitespace from inside table specific tags
  str=str.replace(/(<table|<tr|<td|<th)([^<>]*?)[\s]+(>)/gim, '$1$2$3');
  str=str.replace(/(<table|<tr|<td|<th)([^<>]*?)[\s][\s]+/gim, '$1$2 ');
  // Remove any extra junk </tr>, </td>, </th>, </table>
  str=str.replace(/(<\/table|<\/tr|<\/td|<\/th)[^<>]+(>)/gim, '$1$2');
  // Remove space whitespace after </tr>, </td>, </th>, <table>
  str=str.replace(/(<\/tr>|<\/td>|<\/th>|<table[^<>]*>)[\s]+/gim, '$1');
  // Remove space before <tr>, <td>, <th>, </table>
  str=str.replace(/[\s]+(<\/table>|<tr[^<>]*>|<td[^<>]*>|<th[^<>]*>)/gim, '$1');
  // Replace '<table stuff>' with '{| stuff'
  str=str.replace(/<table( [^<>]*|)>[\s]*/gim, '{|$1\n');
  // Replace '</table>' with '|}'
  str=str.replace(/[\s]*<\/table>/gi, '\n|}');
  // Replace '</td><td>' with '||'
  str=str.replace(/<\/td[\s]*>[\s]*<td[\s]*>/gim, '||');
  str=str.replace(/<\/td[\s]*>[\s]*<td ([^<>]+)>/gim, '|| $1 |');
  // Replace '</th><th>' with '!!'
  str=str.replace(/<\/th[\s]*>[\s]*<th[\s]*>/gim, '!!');
  str=str.replace(/<\/th[\s]*>[\s]*<th ([^<>]+)>/gim, '!! $1 |');
  // Replace '</td></tr>' and '</th></tr>' with EOL
  str=str.replace(/<\/(?:td|th)>[\s]*<\/tr>[\s]/gim, '\n');
  // Replace '</td>', '</th>', '</tr>' with EOL
  str=str.replace(/<\/(?:td|th|tr)>[\s]*/gim, '\n');
  // Replace '<tr>' with '|-'
  str=str.replace(/[\s]*<tr>[\s]*/gim, '\n|-\n');
  str=str.replace(/[\s]*<tr ([^<>]*)>[\s]*/gim, '\n|- $1\n');
  // Replace '<td>' with '|'
  str=str.replace(/[\s]*<td>([^\s])/gim, '\n| $1');
  str=str.replace(/[\s]*<td>([\s])/gim, '\n|$1');
  str=str.replace(/[\s]*<td[\s]*([^<>]*?)[\s]*>([^\s])/gim, '\n| $1 | $2');
  str=str.replace(/[\s]*<td[\s]*([^<>]*?)[\s]*>([\s])/gim, '\n| $1 |$2');
  // Replace '<th>' with '!'
  str=str.replace(/[\s]*<th>([^\s])/gim, '\n! $1');
  str=str.replace(/[\s]*<th>([\s])/gim, '\n!$1');
  str=str.replace(/[\s]*<th[\s]*([^<>]*?)[\s]*>([^\s])/gim, '\n! $1 | $2');
  str=str.replace(/[\s]*<th[\s]*([^<>]*?)[\s]*>([^\s])/gim, '\n! $1 |$2');

  return str;
/* autoEdExtraBreaks()
 * removes extra BR tags
window.autoEdExtraBreaks = function(str) { //MAIN FUNCTION describes list of fixes

//Usually unneeded BR tags from ends of image descriptions and wikilinks (]]), templates (}}), template parameters (|)
str = str.replace(/[\t ]*<[\s\/\.]*br[\s\/\.]*>[\t ]*([\t\n ]*?)(\]\]|}}|\|)/gim, '$1$2');
//BR tag before a list item
str = str.replace(/[\t ]*<[\s\/\.]*br[\s\/\.]*>[\t ]*([\s]*?[\n]\*)/gim, '$1');
//BR tag followed by at least two newlines
str = str.replace(/[\t ]*<[\s\/\.]*br[\s\/\.]*>[\t ]*([\n])[\t ]*([\n])/gim, '$1$2');

return str;
/* autoEdLinks()
 * cleans up common link errors
window.autoEdLinks = function(str) { //MAIN FUNCTION describes list of fixes

    str = str.replace(/\]\[/g, "] [");

    //repair bad external links
    str = str.replace(/\[?\[http:\/\/([^\]\n]*?)\]\]?/gi, "[http://$1]");
    //str = str.replace(/\[http:\/\/([^\]]*?)\|([^\]]*?)\]/gi, "[http://$1 $2]");

    return str;

// Moduł AutoEdDashes
// Autor: GregU / Wikipedia
// Źródło: [[Wikipedia:User:GregU/dashes.js]]
window.autoEdDashes = function(str)
  if ( >= 0)
    return str;

  var scpat = /\bscores?\b|\[\[Category:.*\b(sport|athlet|players|teams|games|league|champion|tournament|competit|cup\b|\w+ball\b|hockey|lacrosse|cricket|rugby|tennis|golf|polo|boxing|boxers||chess)/i;
  var scoresAreLikely = ( >= 0);

  // Ensure the replacement isn't a link such as [[FOO - BAR]] before
  // replacing it, so that we don't break the link. But we do want to
  // replace dashes used in the right-side label part of links.  Also,
  // don't break templates, URLs, DOIs, {{#expr:}}, <math> equations,
  // source code, or <ref name="13-70">.
  function ifNotLink (str)
    var pos    = arguments[ arguments.length - 2 ];
    var string = arguments[ arguments.length - 1 ];

    var pat = /\[\[[^|\]]*$|\{\{[^|}]*$|[:\/%][^\s|>]+$|<[^>]*$|#\w*expr:.*$/i;
    if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat) >= 0)
        return str;             // it's a link, so don't change it

    var pat2 = /\{\{(main|see|detail|about|for\b|other|redir|conv|coor|sort|anchor|DNB(?: [Cc]ite|)|[Cc]ite DNB)[^}]*$/i;
    if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat2) >= 0)
        return str;             // likely templates with page-name or neg params

    var pat3 = /\|\s*(CAS_number)\s*=\s*/i;
    if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat3) >= 0)
        return str;             // drugbox CAS_number

    var pat4 = /\|\s*(doi)\s*=\s*/i;
    if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat4) >= 0)
        return str;             // doi

    var m = string.slice(pos).search(/<\/?(math|pre|code|tt|source|syntaxhighlight|gallery)\b/i);
    if (m >= 0 && string.charAt(pos+m+1) == '/')
        return str;             // don't break a <math> equation, or source code

    if (string.slice(pos).search(/^[^|{}[\]<>\n]*\.([a-z]{3,4}\s*[|}]|jpg|png|svg)|^.*hyphen/i) >= 0)
        return str;             // it's a file name parameter, or <!--sic hyphen-->

    if ([ |(>][-–]\b/) >= 0)
        return str.replace(/[-–]/, "−");       // minus sign
        return str.replace(/--+\b/g, "—") . replace(/[-–−]+/g, "–");     // dash

  str = str.replace(/\s--?\s/g, ifNotLink);                 // en dash looks better
  str = str.replace(/[a-z\d]---?[a-z\d]/ig, ifNotLink);     // em dash
  str = str.replace(/\d\d\d]*}*[-−](dziś|teraz|dzisiaj)\b/ig, ifNotLink);       // 1973-present
  str = str.replace(/[^\w−-](18|19|20)\d\d]*}*[-−][^\w−-]/g, ifNotLink);     // (1973-)
  str = str.replace(/\d(s|%|\?|''')[-−]\d/g, ifNotLink);    // 1950s-1960s, 40%-50%
  str = str.replace(/\d[-−](\$|'+)\d/g, ifNotLink);         // $40-$50, 7-'''4''', '49-'53
  str = str.replace(/[½⅓⅔¼¾⅛⅜⅝⅞]%?[-−][\d½⅓⅔¼¾⅛⅜⅝⅞]/g, ifNotLink);           // 3½-6
  str = str.replace(/\d(st|nd|rd|th)?[-−]\d+(st|nd|rd|th)\b/g, ifNotLink);   // 2nd-3rd

  str = str.replace(/([a-z,'"”\]>] +|\(|^\| *|\|\| *)[-–]\d/mig, ifNotLink);   // minus -35
  str = str.replace(/<((sup|sub|td)>\s*)[-–](\d)/ig, "<$1−$3");         // 10<sup>-3</sup>
  str = str.replace(/,*(?=.? ) *[-–—−] *(\d*:\d\d[\s*<])/g, " – $1");   // album track listings

  // November 15, 2005-March 7, 2006; [[March 18]]-[[April 4]]
  str = str.replace(/(\d\]*)[-–—−](\[*(Sty|Lut|Mar|Kwi|Maj|Cze|Lip|Sie|Wrz|Paź|Lis|Gru)[a-z]* +\d)/g, "$1 – $2");
  // July-August 2007
  str = str.replace(/\b((Sty|Lut|Mar|Kwi|Maj|Cze|Lip|Sie|Wrz|Paź|Lis|Gru)[a-z]*[-−]?\b){2,}/g, ifNotLink);
  // [[266]]-[[283]]
  str = str.replace(/(\d(?: BC)?\]\])[-−]((ca?\.|AD ?)?\[\[\d+[^\d-])/g, "$1–$2");
  // (1984 – 1992)
  str = str.replace(/([(|=] *\[*\d+\]*) +[–—−] +(\[*\d+\]*\s*[)|}])/g, "$1–$2");
  // iv-xii
  str = str.replace(/[ ;(=](?=\w+-)(m*(cm|cd|d?c*)(xc|xl|l?x*)(ix|iv|v?i*)-?\b){2}[^\w-]/g, ifNotLink);

  if (scoresAreLikely)      // W-L-D or 73–70–67–70=280, but not castling
    str = str.replace(/[^\w−–-](?!0-0-0)(\d\d?\d?[-–−]){2,}\d\d?[^\w\/−–-]/g, ifNotLink);

  str = str.replace(/\b(\d+)[–−](year|month|day|hour|minute|mile|yard|foot|inch|bit|door|speed|gun|page|seat|way|point|ton|man)\b/g, "$1-$2");     // hyphen

  // Number ranges and scores should use en dashes, per [[MOS:DASH]].
  // This has been well-tested and false positives (e.g., ID nos.) are rare.
  function range (str, from,to, pos,string)
    var dash   = true;
    var except = /\b(fig(ure)?|table|example|exhibit|circular|section|part|number|no|nr|id|model|pub|std|report|rpt|law|[P.]L|p|page|date|IS\wN\b[ a-z]*|SCOTUS)[^\w(,;]*$/i;
    var rpat   = /^([^A-Za-z]|nbsp)*(AD|BC|B?CE|BP|[kMG]a|km|mi|kg|lb|\w?Hz|vote|decision|record|odds|scor\w*|win|loss|tie|draw|lead|victory|defeat|upset|run|deficit|start|finish|season|game)\b/;
    var lpat   = /\b(pages|pp|rp|nos|\d+\)?'*[:,]|(w[io]n|lost?|tie|dr.w|lea?d|f.ll|vot|rul|decid|pass|fail|defeat|scor|gam|match|trail|finish|end)e?[ds]?|\w\w+ing|ahead|behind|up|down|from|to|is|are|was|were|of|out|by|an?|at|it|went|go|gone|beaten|between)([^a-z]|nbsp)*$/i;
    var inorder   = (to-0 > from.slice(-to.length));     // pp 362-5
    var precision = Math.max(*$/),*$/) );

    if (string.substring(pos-20,pos+1).search(except) >= 0) {
        return str;      // based on preceding word, looks like a ref number
    if (from == 9 && to == 11) {
        dash = false;    // 9-11 is a common special case
    if (from-0 >= to) {
        dash = false;    // values don't look like a range
    if (to-from > 120 && from * (precision > 2 ? 5 : 50) < to && from > 1) {
        dash = false;    // values don't look like a range
    if (scoresAreLikely && from <= 900 && to <= 900) {
        dash = true;     // likely a score or wins-losses
    if (from < 2-to &&*\bChess\b/i) >= 0) {
        dash = false;    // chess notations 0-0, 0-1, 1-0
    if (str.charAt(0) == '(' && string.charAt(pos + str.length) == ')') {
        dash = true;     // scores often seen as (8-4)
    if (^0./) >= 0 ||^0./) >= 0) {
        dash = false;    // 3-07 and 0123-4567 look like ref numbers
    if (string.substr(pos-1,15).search(/^\d([:,.])\d+.\d+\1\d/) >= 0) {
        dash = true;     // 10:30-11:30, 35,000-40,000, 2.5-4.0
    if (string.substr(pos,30).search(rpat) >= 0) {
        dash = true;     // 12-5 BC, 5-5000&nbsp;km, 6-4 win, 73-50 vote
    if (string.substring(pos-80,pos).search(lpat) >= 0) {
        dash = true;     // pp.&nbsp;8, 25, 270-74, 313-7; won 6-4, 6-2
    if (from > 1000 && from < 2100 && to.length == 2 && inorder) {
        dash = true;     // 1994-95 year range
    return dash ? ifNotLink(str,pos,string) : str;

  str = str.replace(/[^\w\/+−–-](\d{1,4})[-−](\d{1,4})(?!'*[\w\/+−–-])/g, range);

  return str;

/* Activates individual modules when "auto ed" tab is clicked */
window.autoEdFunctions = function() {
    var txt = $( '#wpTextbox1' );

// Add "auto ed" tab and associate with actions
$(document).ready(function () {
 //Execute AutoEd after call from "view mode"
 if( autoEdQueryString('AutoEd') ) {
 // Set default values for any unset variables
 if( typeof( autoEdLinkHover ) == 'undefined' ) {
  autoEdLinkHover = "Uruchom AutoEd";
 if( typeof( autoEdLinkName ) == 'undefined' ) {
  autoEdLinkName = "AutoEd";
 if( typeof( autoEdLinkLocation ) == 'undefined' ) {
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 //Add the "auto ed" tab
 if( typeof( document.forms.editform) != 'undefined' ) {
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                 'ca-AutoEd', autoEdLinkHover, '', document.getElementById('ca-move'));
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                 'ca-AutoEd', autoEdLinkHover, '', document.getElementById('ca-move'));
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