Dyskusja użytkownika:Brandon Rhea

Z Nonsensopedii, polskiej encyklopedii humoru
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Brak Użytkownika 02:32, cze 3, 2010 (UTC)

(it's just usual welcome message. If you've created your user page, it's compulsatory to greet you regardless the fact you may never have a reason to visit our site ;). Cheers! )

Dowcipy żydowskie

Hi! You've deleted page Nonźródła:Dowcipy żydowskie. I just want to know why You did that? Was any judgement for it or someone aked You to do that? If the judge said that article should be deleted, it's naturally ok, but...

The article 257 means:

Who propaggate fascism or or other totalitary political system of the state or persuade to hate for national, etnical, racial or religious differences, will be sentenced to pay a fine or prisoned for 2 years

I think jokes on this page don't promote to hate Jews, but there are many people in Poland who are very nervous about that and they could want You to delete the page. But on the other hand, had You asked someone who knows Polish to decide that this article can insult the Jews? Józef Piłsudski Signature.svgNu? 19:02, lut 9, 2015 (UTC), bureaucrat of Nonsensopedia

  • Hi. We deleted it in consultation with members of our Polish team. There was no legal order, but, due to a potential legal threat, we opted to remove the page in accordance with Polish law. - Brandon Rhea<staff />(talk) 19:07, lut 9, 2015 (UTC)
  • „Potential legat threat” existed for last 9 years and since:
  1. Our (political) option claims that we are apolitical and we do not popularize any forms of discrimination or hatred against any of cultural, religious or politcal options,
  2. Administration and courts in Poland work so long that any legal threat would possibly happen in next 25 years, if ever,
  3. Nobody who claims to distribute rich, original content, contributing into a project lead by digital champion of free speech would ever thought about hating Jews after reading some jokes about old, stereothypical, long-bearded Jew thinking only about how to easily and quickly earn money. Does people tend to hate Christians after reading jokes about God, known by some people as That Man Upstairs (don't forget about atheists, they may also be mad because we say there is a God somewhere) or hate Chuck Norris after reading jokes about him?

Deleting one of bigger article holding only jokes because of potential problem is nothing less than act of political correction, and Nonsensopedia doesn't exist to be politically correct – just like Uncyclopedia.


In the spring of 1934 a young Jewish historian named Oscar Liebowitz, taking a cue from ancient Jews, paid a Jewish prostitute 10 pounds sterling to give a young German politician syphilis. Five years later an insane and resentful Adolf Hitler started a war in order to wipe out the people responsible for his sickness.

Jokes about Jews = bad, claiming (even not seriously since it is also potential legal threat, courts are always serious) that World War II started only because Hitler got a syphilis from Jewish prostitute = good? Or maybe it's related with 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp? Józef Piłsudski Signature.svgNu? 21:45, lut 9, 2015 (UTC)

To your last point, I do agree that this is related to the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. There is increased media interest surrounding antisemitism and the Holocaust so it stands to reason that there will be greater sensitivities towards these subjects in the short-term, particularly in European countries directly affected by World War II and, especially, the Holocaust. I certainly sympathize with the concerns here. If this situation dealt exclusively with American law then it'd be a no-brainer; the pages would not be deleted, because parody and unequivocally protected. However, because of stricter laws in countries such as Poland surrounding hate speech, antisemitism, Holocaust denial, and the like, we have to be a bit more receptive to legal threats that originate in those countries.
To your point regarding the article about Hitler and syphilis, we did not receive a complaint about that page. We're not going to (nor do we want to) review every page for possible issues. We will respond to complaints about reported pages and make decisions about them on a case by case basis. - Brandon Rhea<staff />(talk) 22:04, lut 9, 2015 (UTC)