
Z Nonsensopedii, polskiej encyklopedii humoru

Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic Wariowa, the terror of international wikis, attacks in stealth mode. Bastards of this wiki: Griegor the drunk idiot, Ełander the faggot. Fuck you that read this, your son of bitch, son of ass, your motherfucker, you mom are a fucked by time and vandals, your loser, all users of Nonsensopedia are losers, LOSERS! by: Wariowa, the Magic

MinisTeR FinansÓw, FUnDUszY i PoLiTYKi ReGionaLneJ obwieszcza

Minister – stanowisko w rządzie. W Polsce może je zająć każdy. Większość ministrów przynależy do jakiejś partii politycznej, która zrzesza szaleńców, dorobkiewiczów, szaleńców i dorobkiewiczów; oraz do pewnych charakterystycznych nacji narodowych. Ministrowie zajmują się różnymi sprawami, jak np. projektowanie biało-czerwonych krawatów lub wprowadzanie do szkół nowych przedmiotów, mających na celu umocnienie uczniów w ich patriotyzmie. Nieoficjalnie mówi się, że ministrowie przy objęciu stanowiska otrzymują pokeballa, by mogli wzywać do siebie pokemony i prosić je o pomoc w wymyślaniu wzorów nowych ustaw.


Teka bez ministra

Ze względu na wykształcenie:

  • podstawowe – 90% ministrów, zwykle zapytani o wykształcenie tłumaczą się brakiem czasu lub też zaczynają używać trudnych słów, których znaczenie jednak nie zawsze w pełni rozumieją;
  • zawodowe – ludzie z konkretnym pomysłem na życie, w celu jego osiągnięcia potrzebują najczęściej pieniędzy na dobry początek, aby rozkręcić swój biznes (własny). Urząd ministra świetnie nadaje się na szybkie zarobienie potrzebnych funduszy.
  • średniekujoństwo, nie miało co ze sobą zrobić więc poszło rządzić, osobie patrzącej z boku najczęściej wydaje się, że pozjadali wszystkie rozumy;
  • wyższe – ciężko i ze świecą znaleźć, gdyż gatunek jest zagrożony (patrz technokracja).

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Minister bez teki

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